By: Linda Mitchell works at Meditationhowto.net

Many people are aware of that feeling - tense muscles, nausea stomach, dizziness or maybe a headache. When you get it, no matter how hard you try to hold yourself relaxed and composed, the feeling just won’t disappear. So many people experience stress these days and the victims are becoming younger and younger. There was even a story just lately about this kid that could not stop scratching herself whenever she felt at odds with certain situations; her parents looked at her body if she had insect bites or some kind of allergy symptom. The trouble was, the itch the child was feeling didn’t appear to be on the skin, but rather, under it and she couldn’t even really find the particular area of the itch. Medical experts later found that the itch was the manifestation of the pressure she was experiencing.

When you’re a parent, the final thing that you want is for your kids to get sick from stress. Although the world’s dynamics are actually stressful, as a parent, you intend to be able to prepare your children for the demands of life but without confusing them to the matter that they will really show anxiousness, reclusion and somewhat abnormal physical difficulties. Since kids are still attempting to form habits, one of the efficient methods that you can assist them with so as to cope with anxiety better is by providing them to a simple yet proven effective stress-control how to, meditation for beginners.

Older children around the ages 9 to 12 may still deal with the spiritual part of meditation but experts have provided several simple meditation strategies that kids will not have difficulty doing and using whenever they seem like things are becoming too weird.

Meditation places great importance on proper breathing. You can teach your children to have 3 deep breathing, take about 5 seconds to breathe in and 5 seconds to exhale. This particularly is effective when the child is a panic attack or becoming angry. This relaxing and meditating slows down the heart speed and “reduce the pace at which stress hormones are high” say some specialists.

Getting a “soul refuge” is also a good technique for meditation as the children have to be able to step away from the stressful situation. Tell them to close their eyes and think of being away from everything that’s causing them to be upset or burned out. If that’s difficult to do and your children see pictures in their mind when they have their eyes closed, give them relaxation music, like soft nature sounds like flowing rivers or waves crashing on the shore with gentle piano, flute or harp tunes. Instruct them to picture themselves in that place where those sounds can be found; that location will be their mental and emotional get away.

It’s beneficial to have a kind of exercise as well. Teach your children to stretch, raise their arms and then bend down to touch the floor. Stretching frees those stress knots and releases the happy hormones, endorphins.

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